Body Destruction: Day 3

Exercise: The sweat, the sweeeeeeeat. I had to exercise in a puddle of my own sweat because it kept dripping off my face before I could blot it off. Stamina is improving, I think! But I still take far too many breaks out of habit, likely resulting in a less intense calorie burn. Oh well, better than lounging around doing nothing! (Which is what I do whenever I’m not working out…)

Food: Mama brought home more cookies. No. Stahp. I feel like I definitely hit the 1300 calorie mark from overindulging in sweets. ): If I’m not careful after this experiment is over, I will end up inhaling every sweet thing in sight and ruin any progress I will have made.

Body: Lower back/arch area continues to be sore. I feel some butt muscle soreness today too, particularly in my right buttcheek. There’s a lot of squatting going on in these workouts so maybe that’s why the buttache?

General thoughts: I don’t feel like these workouts are doing anything. I cheated and hopped on the scale and it seems like I’m somehow down 2 pounds. If you consider that I’ve been drinking more than double my usual amount of water and my body weight likes to fluctuate, I shouldn’t be getting my hopes up.

Until next time,

~ Mimi

Body Destruction: Day 2

Exercise: Lord have mercy, I can’t deal with a HIIT workout right after 45 minutes of cardio. I’ll take yesterday’s single hour of straight cardio any day. Luckily this particular HIIT isn’t as intense as the others. My stamina continues to suck, judging by how many pauses I need to take to prevent my heart from exploding.

Food: Fml out of curiousity I ate a little gluten-free brownie that Mama brought home. Gluten-free brownies taste like delicious, delicious fudge. Over a hundred wasted calories of deliciousness that I can’t spare, being on such a calorie-restrictive diet.

Oranges fill me up forever, but somehow apples leave me in a state of gnawing hunger. I need to store these gummy bears out of my sight.

Overall, I estimate that I’m taking in a little more calories than I’m supposed to (1200-1300 instead of 1100-1200), but hopefully that extra hundred won’t be detrimental to my results.

Body: I can no longer feel my back. The back soreness makes me reaaaaaally dread working out tomorrow. I think my boobs may have shrunk. My shoulders are way broader than my hips. Sadness.

General thoughts: Even if I end up losing, say, an inch from my waist, I will never do this experiment again. As the daughter of a cook, I love food too much.

Until next time,

~ Mimi

Body Destruction: Day 1

Exercise: I got through the first day of this crazy experiment. The hour of cardio was tough since I haven’t had the time to work up to it, but I made it through with minimal cursing. Definitely helps to work out soon after I wake up.

I remember doing this particular workout in the summer and I had much more stamina yet I would sweat tons more. Today I was sweating, of course, but it wasn’t dripping onto the floor for me to slip on. Hopefully that doesn’t mean I’m not burning as much as I used to!

Food: There are some people in this world who can eat 1200 calories a day and not die. I am not one of those people. I feel empty even when I’m full. On the bright side, not being allowed to munch on things has led me to drinking water whenever I’m craving solids, so my pee is happy and no longer the color of apple juice.

Suppressing the sweet tooth has been working out better than expected! I only had a small fragment of chocolate + some gummy bears — nothing compared to my usual ice cream + cookies + cupcakes + chocolate. See, if I could only cut that crap out of my diet, I would probably drop 5 pounds in a month without trying. But alas. Nope.

Body: The hopping around is hard on my feet. The area where my foot attaches to my leg has that muscle soreness feeling when I go up on my toes. I have some difficulty grabbing things/making my hand into a fist. Minor back aches.

General thoughts: I fear the intensity of tomorrow’s workouts may actually kill me. Though I’m still doubting how 5 days of this can do anything to my body other than injure it, I’m pressing on!

Until next time,

~ Mimi x-x


the train to Nopesville.

The workload of this semester has been so terrifying that my ignoring-that-undesirable-things-exist defense mechanism is in full gear. I’m now home for spring break with three papers to write, an acting performance to prepare for, and a presentation to begin for another acting course. Of course I haven’t started any of those. Here’s a catch-up journal entry instead!


Four classes. Cognitive Psychology. Intro to Moral Philosophy. Intro to Linguistics. Research Methods in Developmental Psychology.

I magically got A-minuses in three of the four classes and only got a B-plus in Linguistics because that final exam was nightmarish. This did wonders to my previously atrocious GPA from failing 3 classes!

…not that it’s a great number now but at least it’s not a 2-point-something anymore.

The research methods course was utter hell from September to October because we essentially condensed a semester of material into those two months. But then the rest of the time was entirely focused on our research so I guess I wouldn’t mind keeping the structure of the course the way it is.

My research partner and I examined how preschoolers label ambiguous gender, and although our hypothesis wasn’t supported, our findings indicate that growing up in a gendered society may be an ass even to preschoolers. Since we had to design and conduct our own psych studies, this course really provided some much needed vocational direction for me. I loveeee doing research!

Looks like I’ll be slaving away in grad school for that Ph.D. until I’m thirty.

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The Pinky Promise

I have been too busy not-failing school to post. That is my only excuse for my excessive absence. I’M NOT APOLOGIZING BECAUSE I HAVE A CHANCE AT GRADUATING ON TIME NOW.


Thanksgiving break is coming up soon, so I’ll provide junior year updates then hopefully. For now, since I’ve been stuck “supporting” Manny at his League of Legends for the past nine hours, I’ll just use this post to answer the questions left at the end of my last post.

According to the end of that last post, that should mean I died at the hands of my parents after telling them about the boyfriend I’ve been hiding from them for over 2 years.

Except I didn’t die!!!11!

Or not really.

I think our parent-child relationship died a little, maybe. Let me explain what happened.

I only told The Old Man in the summer in order to fulfill the terms of the pinky promise, and his reaction dwindled my willingness to tell Mama to .00000001%.

I thought he was supposed to be the tolerant one.

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Goals of Impossiblity

At my current weight, it is not at all a feasible goal to lose 8 more pounds before cousin Mandy’s wedding in under 2 weeks, but that’s not stopping me from dying trying!

I’m not even that chubby/tall — basically these should be the incredibly stubborn Last Ten Pounds I’m trying to lose, or even the Last Twenty if I want to go that far — but compared to Mandy and the other tiny bridesmaids, I LOOK LIKE A WHALE. I’ve never met any of them but that’s what I’ve been told. D:

My summer class ended 2 weeks ago (I got an A-minus in a math class!!!!) and I’ve been spending my days since then working out. I alternated between double-cardio days and cardio/strength training days, and every day I challenged myself to do 100 squats because my butt is a sad creature.

The squats thing, it’s not so hard. You know, except for not being able to walk up the stairs immediately afterward. I’m working on being able to do 100 in a row instead of breaking it up into 2 sets of 50. I think my butt has firmed up a bit, but my thighs! They’re like rocks! <3 I used to hate how strong and bulky my short legs looked but I’ve grown to love their strength! Now, if only I can lose fat quicker than I gain muscle…

After about 10 days of this sweatfest, I stepped on the scale to find out if it had paid off at all.

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your face is offensive on so many levels

Two posts in one day what.

With DOMA declared unconstitutional and Prop 8 destroyed, the United States has taken a step closer to equality! My super liberal college is home to quite a few queer chicks and so Facebook has been flooded with cheers from lesbian friends and allies and, I don’t know, human beings.

Then again. People like this still exist:

bye doma

Initially I was gonna dismiss this article and not bother with it, but curiosity got the better of me and I clicked on it to find out exactly why this dickweed thinks overturning DOMA is “offensive on so many levels.”

Was really really hoping she wouldn’t bring God into this and yet again give religious folks a bad name. But alas, she does. Call us immoral or whatever, but not all of us believe in your God. I actually do, but somehow I doubt He’d be an advocate for all this hate.

stahp plz

Just sit down, Bachmann. We don’t have time for your bigotry. At least I don’t. I SHOULD BE STUDYING FOR MY FINAL TOMORROW OMG.

Until next time,

~ Mimi )’:

Ten a Day (31-40) and a Sleepover Tale

Lil bro is a true engineer in the making. Check out his first set of SAT scores.

sat scores

Dat perfect math score. ಠ_ಠ

For comparison, two sets of my scores are here and here.

I laughed at him for his reading and writing scores. Then I promptly shut up upon seeing his math score. I’m not exactly exaggerating whenever I call him a human calculator. I’ve been struggling with some (read: all) of my calc homework and The Pest has been able to glance at some of the problems and instantly spit out an answer. He also practices long multiplication (example: 52582729 x 32593274) on a daily basis.

Anyway, my class is ending soon. Just finished my second midterm a few days ago and my final is tomorrow.


I would like a B of some sort. Don’t know if that’s gonna happen but I just need to study super hard and maybe I will magically understand numbers in the span of 24 hours when I failed to do so in the past 20 years. It really does not help that temperatures have been in the 90s in my air conditioner-less college, resulting in sweat dripping off the ends of my hair and my skin feeling like I’ve been rolling in maple syrup.

Also, the friend whom I’d been staying with had gone home for a few days and locked the door to her room. That means I have been without my bedding, showering supplies, and every other toiletry necessary for cleanliness. My period starting just adds to the ickiness.

Manny came to visit last night after being wrongly guided 40 minutes in the wrong direction by his GPS. After a wordless dinner with me and watching me be lifeless and miserable in the passenger seat (1 hour of sleep + super hot day of sticky sweat + failing the midterm + crying in the library for failing said midterm + PMS + not having a place to stay), he decided to take me home with him.

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Ten a Day (21-30)





A 57.

OUT OF 70.


…an A-minus?

Okay, professor, I know I’m not very numerically inclined and I stare at you blankly half the time in class but a 57/70 is not an A-minus.

Well, it is after the gigantic curve. I guess I would have gotten a B-minus/81%, which I would have been thrilled with, actually! But the average was a 46/70 or something like that, or about a 66% without the curve.


How could that be the average when I am the only student who never answers the professor when he asks questions about the problems on the board because I am completely lost?

I got no points for the first question — “Find the domain of the function f(x) = ln(1 – e-x)” — because when e‘s and logs and ln’s show up in a problem everything automatically equals unicorn vomit, for all I know. But then this true/false problem here:

2 + 2 = fish

Professor was starting to collect the exams and I didn’t know how the heck to approach this question so I pulled that above answer out of my own ass, then promptly died a little inside as I handed my packet to him.

He says that this average is pretty consistent with past averages for the summer calc course. These averages are always lower than the averages of a regular semester-long course, which is to be expected because the pace of this summer course is insane. My second midterm is in one week and I’m 7 homework assignments behind!


Next ten set of questions to take my mind off of scary math things.

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Ten a Day (11-20)

Calc exam destroyed me, of course. My hand was shaking so horribly the entire time, whether from the Red Bull or nerves, I’m not sure. I just know I can’t possibly have done well — my eyes fell upon the first question and my hopes and dreams flew out the window.

MAN, I wish I had my brother’s math skills.

Continuing on with the next set of survey questions! I really ought to try to make these shorty short posts more often, instead of the 2000+ word entries I used to always do. Continue reading